MDCAT Study Material

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T(caps)he term MDCAT is the abbreviation of Medical and Dental Colleges Admission Test. It is an entrance test for admission to Medical and Dental colleges for MBBS and BDS degree programs. Till 2019, it is conducted provincialy by the University of Health Sciences. In 2020 and 2021, Pakistan Medical Commission conducted the MDCAT at national level. Now, MDCAT is termed as NMDCAT or National MDCAT. The pattern of NMDCAT taken by PMC is totally different from the MDCAT taken by UHS. The total marks of NMDCAT are 210 and the passing marks are 137 which is 65%.

NMDCAT Test Pattern

PMC has changed the NMDCAT test pattern. It is MCQs based test. Unlike ECAT, NMDCAT has no negative marking. Each MCQ carry one marks. The NMDCAT entrance exam consists on 5 portions. 1st portion contains Biology MCQs, 2nd portion contains Chemistry MCQs, 3rd portion contains Physics MCQs, 4th and 5th portions consist of English and Logical Reasoning MCQs respectively. The MCQs of all these subjects are not in equal ratio. Biology MCQs make the major portion of NMDCAT test. 68 MCQs are from Biology, 56 MCQs from each Chemistry and Physics book, 20 MCQs from English and 10 are Logical Reasoning MCQs. The time duration for NMDCAT is 210 minutes or 3 hours 30 minutes.

STEP by PGC - NMDCAT Preparation Institution

As the heading explains, STEP is an institution of Punjab Group of Colleges which prepare students for all types of entrance test exams. The students of STEP institution get many positions in MDCAT. They have different types of sessions for the preparation of NMDCAT. These sessions are STEP Repeaters Session, STEP Sunday Session, STEP Regular Session, STEP Early Regular Session. They also have different types of NMDCAT course programs like NMDCAT, LNMDCAT and LNMDCAT with NUMS. The fee structure of all these programs is different. The fee of STEP NMDCAT Program is minimum and STEP LNMDCAT with NUMS Program has maximum fee among all programs. STEP institution also has STEP MDCAT Lectures for online preparation. FSC and MDCAT provides you all the STEP Preparation Sessions free of cost on Official Website and Facebook Page.

KIPS - NMDCAT Preparation Academy

KIPS is a group of colleges and academies. The programs offered by KIPS for NMDCAT preparation are KIPS Regular Session, KIPS Comprehensive Test Session, KIPS NUMS Session, KIPS Final Session, KIPS Final Strike Session and KIPS Super Final FLPs. KIPS also provides its students with KIPS LMS Lectures. All these lectures and tests are uploaded on Website by FSC and MDCAT.

STARS Academy - NMDCAT Preparation Academy

Stars Academy is thought as the No. 1 academy for MDCAT preparation. The reason is that every year, the students of STARS Academy secure 1st or 2nd position in NMDCAT. But now STEP is in competition with STARS Academy and no doubt STEP is performing well than STARS Academy. Among all the campuses, STARS Academy Johar Town Lahore is the best. FSC and MDCAT also provides free tests and recorded lectures of STARS Academy.

NMDCAT Educational Stuff

MDCAT books, worksheets, handmade notes are also a big source of knowledge. PMC Practice Tests enable the NMDCAT students to know about the difficulty level of test. There are many institutions other than the mentioned above that serve as MDCAT Preparatory Institutions. All the learning resources are provided by FSC and MDCAT on Official Website and Facebook Page.

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